“Sue Marcus has presented numerous workshops at my Reiki space, including the Quantum Vortex Meditation, Visions Boards and Crystal Healing workshops. Her workshops are uplifting and informative. She has also joined me in offering special Reiki/Crystal healing sessions to clients. She is a very experienced, professional, compassionate and spiritual Practitioner, who enjoys being in service to others and helping people find healing and inner peace.” – Sheryl B.
Upcoming Workshops/Events
Crystal Healing Workshop
Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Time: 7:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.
Cost: $30.00
Location: Reiki For Your Life, 267 Haypath Road, Old Bethpage, New York
To register or for more information, contact Sue Marcus at (347) 758-2037 or e-mail: spiritualseeker8@yahoo.com.
Come experience the magical wonder of crystals and how they can heal us at a deep, cellular level. Let your chakras flow with Crystalline energy and learn which stones to use for healing, meditation and chakra balancing.
Crystals resonate at ultra-high frequencies, can dissolve blockages in our chakras, and can create wellness in the physical body. They have a profound effect on the chakras and can re-write our DNA.
Manifesting Through The Quantum Field
Date: Saturday, November 17, 2018
Time: 1:00 PM – 3:00 P.M
Cost: $33.00
Past Workshops
Stones of the New Consciousness Workshop
Come and discover the extraordinary power of crystals and how they can help heal us at a deep, cellular level. Crystals resonate to the chakras and have a profound effect on our DNA. We will be exploring “Stones of the Higher Conscousness,” receive a “Kundalini Activation” as well as working with the Etheric/Transpersonal Chakras (Auric Field).
Kundalini is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning “coiled up snake.” It is the energy to nourish “The Tree of Life” within us and accelerates our spiritual evolution. During the workshop, come and experience crystals such as “Azeztulite” (Light Body Acitvation), “Anandalite” (Kundalini Awakening) and “Rosophia’ (Divine Feminine).
Vibrational Healing with Aromatherapy
Essential oils or “Vital Life Essences” are extracted from plants, flowers, herbs and trees. They possess medicinal and therapeutic properties that can balance the body, mind and spirit. Essential oils were the first medicines of the Earth!
In this hands-on workshop, discover the basics of Aromatherapy, create your own custom blend of essential oils and sample different oils to treat physical ailments and boost the immune system. For more information or to register, please contact Sue Marcus at (347) 758-2037 or e-mail: spiritualseeker8@yahoo.com.
The Power of I Am: Embodying your Divine Presence Meditation
Are you looking for a new perspective on manifesting at a new level? To create harmony and balance in the body, we need to learn how to still our mind as well as our body. By connecting to our own divine presence: our own “I Am Presence,” we open the doorway to the divine.
“YOUR WORD IS YOUR WAND. THE WORDS YOU SPEAK CREATE YOUR OWN DESTINY”—Florence Scovel Shinn. This meditation group will follow the wise teachings of Florence Scovel Shinn, a great spiritual teacher who demonstrated how the power of intention and spiritual knowledge could change one’s path to the golden path of success.