How are you navigating the unchartered waters of 2020? This certainly has been a year of radical change and has challenged us on every level. Where is humanity going and do we have a choice in choosing what comes next? As conscious creators, we do have a choice how we can mold our futures. We can use vibrational tools and energy medicine to release discordant energy out of our physical bodies and rise our vibration. Despite the current state of the world, we always can tap into the love vibration that can move mountains and create miracles!
Reiki (prounced Ray-Kee) is a powerful, yet gentle stress-reduction technique. I love connecting to the Reiki energy every day. We can administer Reiki treatments to ourselves and send it out to the world. There has never been a more crucial time for healing on the Earth. Reiki can be translated to mean “Universal Life Force Energy.” This “Life Force Energy” is the pure Life Force we were born with. It helps release blockages in the chakras and allows our energy to flow in a natural, harmonious way. If you practice Reiki, have you sent Reiki out to the world? A Reiki session feels like a blanket of serenity that washes throughout your entire body.
We can change the world by changing ourselves. The Morphic Field of the Planet has been weighed down by the burdens of humanity. Every emotion is registered in our feeling world and qualifies our manifestations. In essence, we are charging our manifestations with positive or negative energy by our thoughts and feelings. Be mindful of your thoughts. Thoughts are things!
At the start of each day, I like to remind myself of Dr. Mikao Usui’s Principles of Reiki:
and Show Gratitude for Everything.

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