“At the end of the day, all you need is Hope and Strength. Hope that it will get better and Strength to hold on until it does.”
I send you blessings for positive energy to surround you while we face our newest challenge, the Corona Virus that has affected everyone on a global level. It’s important to listen to ourselves and our own inner guidance system. Everything is energy and we can be aware but not fearful. Positive energy produces the best results. We are always guided to the right path. Repeating affirmations and spending time in meditation can provide a strong support system for achieving balance in our physical bodies.
This month, I will be focusing on the ancient healing modality of Reiki and how it can benefit us in our daily lives. Reiki is a gentle, yet powerful energy technique for healing us on multi-dimensional levels. Not only can we administer it to the people we love and clients, we can treat ourselves with Reiki Healing Energy every day.
Just for Today, Do Not Worry,
Just for Today, Do Not Anger,
Honor your Teachers, Parents and Elders,
Live your Life Honestly,
and Show Gratitude for Everything.–Dr. Mikao Usui, Grand Master of Reiki
Those were very wise words from Dr. Mikao Usui, the Founder of the Usui Reiki Lineage. Reiki is a gift that will stay with your forever once you make the commitment to live a life on the Reiki path. It’s a wonderful way to give energy and love to other people as well as an innovative healing technique for balancing the chakras. Reiki is also beneficial for releasing stress and anxiety out of the body and is a great go-to tool in dealing with traumatic events in one’s own life.
Reiki (pronounced Ray-Kee) is an ancient stress-reduction technique that can promote healing. It dissolves energy blockages in our body as well as restores our energy to its pure, natural state (we were born with). Light is also infused into our cells and DNA while receiving Reiki. Reiki is administered by a light touch or slightly above our physical body.
Chakras are energy centers that are connected to major organs in the body. To reach optimum health and uplift our energy, we need to create a harmonious flow of energy in and around the physical body. Reiki, chakra balancing and meditation go hand-in-hand. One of the goals of meditation is to achieve stillness in the mind and body. Breathe peace and serenity into your heart and mind and resonate with your stillpoint (the quiet place) within your chakra pillar.
Treatment for Self
It is very beneficial to give ourselves Reiki every day. All we need to do is tap into the Reiki energy and allow it to flow to wherever we are guided. It can help strengthen our reserve in challenging times and helps us still the mind. Reiki can enhance our meditation techniques and helps activate the 3rd Eye and Crown chakras.
We are infinite channels for the Reiki Energy to flow freely and become receptive to higher spiritual guidance. Reiki can also help keep our chakras clear of blockages and continue to feed the physical body with “Ki” or “Life Force Energy.” Boosting our energy will ignite our Heart’s passion and we can see our dreams materialize in extraordinary ways.
Some benefits of Reiki include: releasing stress and anxiety, treats chronoic pain conditions such as headaches, back pain and Arthritis, boosts our immune system enhances meditation and stabilizes sleep patterns. This is a great time to administer Reiki to ourselves in our spiritual practice as well as prayer time and send it out to the world. Mother Earth is in such need of our prayers and healing. As we are blessed with milder weather, it is a wonderful time to spend time outdoors or take long walks in nature.
Wishing you well on your journey and may everything your Heart Desires come to fruition!

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