The Stellar Gate of 11:11
This is an amazing time to be living on Planet Earth. Whether you just starting on your spiritual journey or maybe you’ve been on this path for a while, you have noticed changes happening around us and on the planet. We are evolving on a path to Ascension for humanity and the planet. We are meant to evolve our physical bodies into a higher vibration and lighter physical vehicle. This will serve us and the planet in the long run because nothing on the planet, including ourselves with stay static or unchanging.
Challenges come up as we evolve into a higher way of being. This shows up in a number of different ways. Some may experience physical symptoms: headaches, dizziness, flu symptoms to name a few. Our bodies are detoxing and have to clear away the old to make room for new energies. Our emotional bodies are also changing and we may be prone to mood swings and intense emotions coming up to clear karmic baggage from our lives.
Planet Earth has been raising her vibration for a while. Some may have noticed time has quickened the pace. This is because we are moving to a time unchartered on this planet before.
The number 11:11 is a high vibrational number. It ia also known as the “Stellar Gate” to a higher dimension. The number one signifies new beginnings. The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras was the first to establish that numbers hold vibrational properties. He taught that the entire universe is mathematically precise. This year 11:11 occurs on a New Moon. Very powerful shifts are available to us (if we choose).
Just before or after a New Moon, the dimensional veil is the thinnest and spiritual rituals are very effective. Once a year on 11:11 a gateway opens where we can access powerful energies from the higher realms and move forward in our lives. I have found working with Crystals and Crystal Singing Bowls can help in the process (there are other vibrational tools such as Aromatherapy and energy work). Listen to your inner guidance and go with what works for you. This is a prime time to make a quantum leap in our spiritual evolution.
For people who want to know about 11:11 and the spiritual evolution of humanity, I recommend a book called “The Star Borne” by Solara. This amazing woman also wrote a book on 11:11. It is a very spiritual yet profound book on discovering who you are and the divine purpose you came to accomplish this lifetime on Planet Earth.
Many blessings on your incredible journey. May your path be paved with gold.
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